
BRAIN POWER may help with all of these conditions:

  • Promoting calm, alert, and focused states*
  • Balancing electrical brain signals*
  • Supporting mood and memory*
  • Combating dementia, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s*
  • Easing addictive patterns*
  • Preventing stress and ”burn out”*
  • Balancing Adrenal Fatigue and Fibromyalgia*
  • Alleviating sleep disorders*
  • Repairing the nervous system*

IMMUNE FORCE may help with all of these conditions:

  • Arthritis, Inflammation, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome*
  • Allergies, Asthma, Psoriasis*
  • All Immune & Auto Immune Challenges – Including “Incurable Viruses” (HIV, HPV, Herpes, Hepatitis, Lupus)*
  • Chron’s, IBS, Liver and Gallbladder Disease*
  • Parasitic Infestations, Chronic UTI, Yeast Infections*
  • Lymphoma, Lukemia, Cystic Fibrosis, MS*
  • Artery Blockages, Capillary Weaknesses, Curclatory Disfunction, Cataracts*

LIVER STRENGTH may help with all of these conditions:

  • Repairing the liver’s natural detoxification mechanism*
  • Enhancing electrolyte, mineral, and enzyme function*
  • Raising energy levels in a balanced way*
  • Calming agitated mental stress patterns*
  • Alleviating chronic fatigue and Arthritis*
  • Boosting your immunity*
  • Helping with ADHD and addictions*
  • Supporting weight loss*

ULTIMATE FISH BLEND may help with all of these conditions:

  • Healing overall liver and brain connections*
  • Restoring proper levels of estrogen, testosterone, minerals, liver enzymes, and Vitamins D, K, C, and B*
  • Maintaining memory levels at certain parts of the day*
  • Thinning of thicker, viscous blood*
  • Supporting weight loss or stuck metabolisms*
  • Acquiring the daily-recommended levels of healthy fats. It is very helpful for those who are watching their diet from poorly digested fatty foods, but need to eat healthy fats as well.*
  • Activating joint tissues to properly lubricate and repair the joints*
  • Fighting chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and arthritis*
  • Alleviating ADHD, Alzheimer’s, and dementia*
  • Promoting muscle building and athletic rejuvenation*
  • Helping chronic digestive disorders*
  • Alleviating menstrual instability*
  • Eliminating insomnia and sleep irregularities*