Case Study #1: Liver Strength Lowers Liver Markers

Customer: Sharon B.

Case Study #2: Immune Force Improves Joint Pain, Digestion, and Heals Eczema

“I started taking Immune Force two weeks ago for celiac/autoimmune issues and it has made a life-changing difference in my energy levels, joint pain, digestion, sleep, nervous system, and overall vibrancy. An amazing side effect of taking Immune Force is that the life-long eczema on my leg has vanished like Houdini after just two weeks. See attached before/after photos here. I took Before photos after I noticed this product was curing my eczema after taking this a few days, so it was definitely much worse before. This product is like nothing else on the market, I have tried pretty much all of them – and this is the only time I’ve actually had real results. And the results are dramatic + life-transforming. I’m so grateful I found these products and am excited for you to experience the healing benefits if you try! Whole-heartedly recommend! Thank you.” – Anonymous Customer

Case Study #3: Cysts in Uterus Disappear

“I had two big cyst in my uterus and had to wait 3 weeks for them the shrink or do a surgery. I started taking immune force as soon as I left the doctor’s office after my good friend and client recommended it to me. I ended up going into the doctor’s office one week early and found out that the cyst were completely gone. I  couldn’t believe it. This stuff works. Thank you so much!” – Emma, Customer

Case Study #4: Immune Force Heals Lyme

Kim C discusses how Immune Force brought her back from 3 years of total dysfunction from Lymes disease. She is now back to work and fully functioning.

Case Study #5: Immune Force Cures Cervical Cancer

“I wanted to let you know that I ordered the products that you suggested when I found out my girlfriend had cervical cancer. The ultrasound showed tumors everywhere. After using your product for 2 months she was checked again with a thorough internal examination. All signs of cancer were gone. She still has HPV, which is what caused it all, but I am certain Immune Force will rid her of that. The Dr. said there was no cure for this either. He was amazed with the results and you can bet if one of his loved ones gets cancer he will be calling you. Many thanks.” – Don D., Customer

Case Study #6: Immune Force Shrinks Tumors and Prevent Cancer from Spreading

“I am battling breast cancer (naturally….no surgery, chemo, or radiation!!!), and this was recommended as a part of my supplement regimen. It is an amazing product. I have a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer (HER2 positive), and it has NOT spread to my lymph nodes or any other parts of my body. I credit what I did before my diagnosis (I have always believed in natural health and have taken various supplements my entire adult life), and this product as well, for making the doctors scratch their heads in awe that this “aggressive” form of cancer has not spread the way they insisted it would. I will continue to take at lower doses when the cancer is gone. My tumor has started shrinking (by 2 centimeters), much to the doctor’s’ surprise. I credit God first (for His wisdom), and this and other products in my protocol.” – Denise, Customer

Case Study #7: Immune Force Makes Tumor Disappear

“We were in St. Louis this past week and my daughter, Toni, called and was very excited. She had her blood test results last week and her CA125 score went from 264 three weeks ago to 37! Her doctor (who was the one who advised her from the start not to take supplements) has now told her to keep doing whatever she is doing. We are thrilled, although I know she is not out of the woods yet. This same doctor was also not able to find any tumor with a physical examination…Thank you so much for being there when I really needed an answer and hope for my daughter! We are all very confident that your products have gotten her through this horror to this point. Part of this is Immune Force which my husband and I have started taking daily.” – Sandy Y., Customer